
Call simple Calculator

Execute a function in one chain from another chain

Alright, now let's call our Calculators:

Call the Sender Contract

cast send --rpc-url local-c --private-key $PK $SENDER_ADDRESS "sendAddMessage(address, uint256, uint256)" $RECEIVER_ADDRESS 2 3

We need to call the sendAddMessage function on the sender contract with the address of the receiver contract and the two numbers we want to add.

For this example we will add 2 + 3.

Verify Message Receipt

To check wether the message has been received, we can call the result_num() function on the Receiver contract.

cast call --rpc-url myblockchain $RECEIVER_ADDRESS "result_num()(uint)"

2 + 3 = 5. Our cross-chain calculation was successful!

Edit on GitHub

Last updated on 1/9/2025

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